Similarly to chiropractic, acupuncture works on the belief that the body can heal itself. Acupuncture is used as a way to help balance energy through stimulating blood flow and targeted areas of the body. If you’re often stressed, have headaches, back aches, struggle with motion sickness, or restful sleep, acupuncture can help improve these by balancing the energy in these areas through the associated acupoints.
Frequently Asked Acupuncture Questions
How do I prepare for an acupuncture appointment?
Before your appointment eat a healthy meal to help increase the amount of energy your body will produce. Wear loose comfortable clothing. The doctor will need to be able to access certain acupoints on the skin to help ease the symptoms you’ve come in for.
What will acupuncture feel like?
The needles used for acupuncture are much smaller than the needles used for most other procedures done by doctors. There might be a slight pinch or sting feeling when the needle is inserted but within the next couple seconds the feeling of pain goes away and is usually replaced with a vibration like feeling.
How will I feel after?
When getting off the table it’s not uncommon to feel relaxed, refreshed, balanced, less stressed, and at times emotional relief from feelings we may unknowingly carry with us. It’s not uncommon to feel so at ease on the table that you may feel drowsy and want to nap.
Benefits of Acupuncture
There are many benefits to acupuncture for most life stages. Acupuncture has been known to:
- Reduce back pain and neck pain
- Fewer and more manageable headaches and migraines
- Reduce stress
- Provide more restful sleep
- Reduce motion sickness
- Increase energy and blood flow
- In women that are pregnant or nursing it can help lower nausea, induce labor, increase lactation