Did you know chiropractic techniques that work well on your spine can be applied to other joints in your body, including those in your hands and wrists? Just about every joint is susceptible to malfunctions that impair range of motion and function. Trauma, micro-traumas, vibrations, and repetitive motions are often the culprits.


You’ve probably heard of carpal tunnel syndrome before, but do you know what it is? Carpal tunnel is often identified by tingling, numbness, and weakness in the thumb, index, or middle fingers. As the use of mobile devices and computers has become an integral part of day to day life, we are seeing more and more cases of carpal tunnel.

The carpal tunnel is a fibrous band of tissue located on the front of your wrists, the same area where you would wear a wristwatch. It holds many of the nerves, tendons, and blood vessels that your hand uses to function. When additional pressure is put on the nerves and arteries in your hand and wrist they can become damaged, and carpal tunnel can occur.


Unfortunately, just about anyone who performs repetitive motions with their hands can get carpal tunnel including hairstylists, typists, mechanics, cashiers, and more. People who work on computers for hours at a time also have an increased risk of suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome because the shoulder, forearm, wrist, and hand muscles are put under continual strain.


Carpal tunnel syndrome presents itself in many ways, and it doesn’t just happen overnight. Painful symptoms can take months to present themselves and will only worsen if left untreated. These symptoms can include clumsiness or weakness in the hands and muscle loss in the palms. It can be further aggravated by diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, or thyroid problems. Remember, it is typically repetitive behaviors that worsen carpal tunnel syndrome.


Medical doctors have traditionally treated carpal tunnel syndrome with injections, surgery, and over-the-counter drugs, but there are other natural treatment options. At Wills Chiropractic, we can do more than mask the symptoms of your carpal tunnel syndrome. We can treat the underlying cause of your pain with the use of joint manipulations and adjustments to help your wrists and joints move more freely. There are also several stretches and exercises our experienced chiropractors can recommend to minimize muscle strain while strengthening your muscles.


Can chiropractic repair bone spurs?

Bone spurs and other arthritic changes to joints throughout your body is a common response to long-standing malfunction. Chiropractic restores proper joint function and is hoped to at least slow this degenerative process.

Does cracking your knuckles cause damage?

Limited studies suggest that knuckle cracking does not damage the metacarpal joints of the hand. While there may be danger of overextending already loose knuckle joints, adding motion to these or other joints of the body is best left to an experienced chiropractor.

Is it okay to wear a wrist brace?

A brace is often prescribed to help protect the wrist and reduce mobility. While it may alleviate certain symptoms, it virtually ignores the malfunctioning joints causing the problem. The chiropractic approach is to help restore proper motion to affected joints and strengthen supporting muscles and soft tissues. While this may require some type of ongoing supportive care, many patients are able to resume their activities without bracing.

To learn more about how we can help treat carpal tunnel syndrome with chiropractic care, schedule a consultation.

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What Our Patients Say

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Rickey Tyner

“After several doctors with different diagnosis for the cause of my symptoms, I'm finally getting the relief that I've been searching for. I'm receiving excellent treatment and the staff is superb. What are you waiting for? Make the appointment. You won't regret it.”

Our Working Process

What to Expect


Relief Chiropractic Care

When patients come to us in pain, our top priority is to help relieve that pain so they can find comfort and feel better. While some patients feel relief in as little as one visit, it can take 2-3 visits per week for 4-12 weeks to achieve lasting real pain relief.


Corrective/Restorative Chiropractic Care

Muscles and tissues heal more completely during the corrective care phase, which prevents and reduces the risk of further injury. This phase typically requires 4-8 visits per month for 6-24 months depending on the severity of the issue.


Wellness Chiropractic Care

Once your body has completely healed, periodic adjustments become an important part of your healthcare regimen to avoid problems in the future. Based on your lifestyle and goals, we hope to see you 1-4 times per month.

(815) 562-5333