Bedwetting: embarrassing for kids, frustrating for parents, and many parents don’t know what to do to help. Bedwetting is extremely common with an estimated 5-7 million children wetting their beds on some or most nights. Between the ages of 4-5, most children lack sufficient bladder control to make it through the night. However, after that age, bedwetting may be a signal that there is an underlying issue. Chiropractic isn’t a treatment for bedwetting specifically, but many of our patients have found help with safe and effective chiropractic care.
Two primary muscles control the emptying of the bladder: the trigone and detrusor muscles. These muscles are operated by nerves in the lower back and the sacrum.
The sacrum has five separate sections during a child’s younger years. As they grow older, the segments fuse together creating the triangular-shaped bone at the base of the spine. If these sections are misaligned from activities like learning to walk or ride a bike, they may compromise the nerves that control bladder function.
Numerous studies documented by the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found positive links between chiropractic care and bedwetting including:
- An 8-year old male who had issues with bedwetting received an adjustment to his lumbar spine and at a one-month follow-up appointment. His bedwetting was completely resolved and “happened in a matter that could not be attributed to time or placebo effect.” (JMPT 1994 (Jun);17 (5): 335-338
- In another study, 46 children received chiropractic care over a 10-week period. There was a 50% or greater reduction in the number of wet nights, while none among the control group experienced a reduction. (JMPT 1994 (Nov-Dec); 17 (9): 596-600)
Because chiropractic isn’t a treatment specifically for bedwetting, a thorough examination will be required. We may find that the bedwetting is caused by nerve interference in the spine, and if that’s the case our chiropractors can help. If that is not the case, we can refer you to someone who can help.
We understand how important it is to approach these cases with great sensitivity, and we also address the emotional aspect behind bedwetting. At Wills Chiropractic, we are dedicated to the overall health and wellness of our patients, and that includes mental health. Every patient is different, and we provide unique treatment options that are custom to each child’s needs.
To learn more about how chiropractic may be able to stop bedwetting, schedule a consultation!
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Relief Chiropractic Care
When patients come to us in pain, our top priority is to help relieve that pain so they can find comfort and feel better. While some patients feel relief in as little as one visit, it can take 2-3 visits per week for 4-12 weeks to achieve lasting real pain relief.

Corrective/Restorative Chiropractic Care
Muscles and tissues heal more completely during the corrective care phase, which prevents and reduces the risk of further injury. This phase typically requires 4-8 visits per month for 6-24 months depending on the severity of the issue.

Wellness Chiropractic Care
Once your body has completely healed, periodic adjustments become an important part of your healthcare regimen to avoid problems in the future. Based on your lifestyle and goals, we hope to see you 1-4 times per month.