When you think of chiropractic care, you probably think of adjustments, muscle therapy, massage, and similar therapeutic treatments. One of the latest therapeutic treatments is the Power Plate. With it’s large, flat trapezoidal vibrating platform and handrails, you may be wondering what it does and how to use it since it doesn’t look like other exercise machines you see in most gyms.
At Wills Chiropractic, we use state of the art technology to ensure you are receiving the best treatment options available. The Power Plate is a treatment that uses the body’s response to vibrations to stimulate circulation and muscle strength.
The Power Plate creates vibrations that activate a natural reflex in which a series of rapid -- yet minimally invasive – muscle contractions occur at the rate of 35 times per second. These contractions cause a positive release of hormones in the body (commonly referred to as “runner’s high”) in much less time than you would achieve with regular forms of exercise. The Power Plate can be used by just about anyone from high-performance, high-level athletes to the elderly to those looking for another way to improve their fitness levels and general health.
The Power Plate helps us to provide more rehabilitation in a shorter period of time while focusing on all of the muscles in your body. Benefits of using the Power Plate include stronger and more toned muscles, weight loss, loss of cellulite, reduction in pain, increased mobility, balance, flexibility, and endurance, quicker recovery time, and even an increase in natural human growth hormone.
Using a power plate helps to build a stronger body which means fewer health problems and less pain so we are better able to help you achieve true health. To learn more about how the Power Plate can benefit you, contact us.