The Benefits of Walking Every Day
Walking every day has serious health benefits. Explore the health advantages of going for a walk & how to reduce foot pain so you can enjoy them.
Getting the proper amount of sleep every night is one of the absolute cornerstones of better health and wellness. If you’re still recovering from the hustle and bustle of the holidays, you may be struggling to figure out how to get your sleep schedule back on track. By following a few handy tips for crafting a better bedtime routine, you’ll be sawing logs in no time.
One of the best ways to make sure that you’re getting enough sleep is to get to sleep at about the same time every night. Whether you call it a night early or push it past midnight, try to make it a point to hit the mattress at around the same time as much as possible. Ideally, you should be trying to get into bed at a point in time where you’ll get at around eight hours before the alarm goes off.
Once you get into a rhythm with the time you go to bed, consider what you’re doing in the lead-up to it. If the first thing you do when you slide under the covers is check your phone, you could be sabotaging your sleep schedule. Even if your newfangled smartphone has a night setting that reduces blue light, looking at a screen before falling asleep can disrupt your rest cycle. Try swapping in something more proactive than doomscrolling, like reading a book or having a conversation with your partner.
Another important element of a bedtime routine is making sure there’s been enough time since you ate or drank. Snacking or having a drink too late in the evening can wind up with you needing to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. And if you drink alcohol or caffeine too close to bedtime, it’s likely going to affect how restful your sleep is.
Tried just about everything and still not sure how to get your sleep schedule back on track? You might just benefit from a hardware upgrade. If you’re sleeping on a mattress or pillows that don’t support you the way they should, you’re going to have a hard time getting sleep consistently.
If you’re put off by higher prices on higher-end pillows and mattresses, just remember that you spend about a third of your life sleeping. Consider shelling out for something more expensive but more accommodating an investment in your long-term health. If nothing else, the natural energy boost you get from sleeping better may let you cut down on your daily coffee expenses.
Another tip for how to get your sleep schedule back on track? Getting regularly adjusted at Wills Chiropractic in Rochelle, IL. Routine chiropractic care helps put your body at ease so you can sleep better, and also gives you a natural energy boost to get through your work week. Schedule an appointment and we’ll help you ensure a good night’s sleep is never too far off.
Walking every day has serious health benefits. Explore the health advantages of going for a walk & how to reduce foot pain so you can enjoy them.
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