Tips for Managing Spring Allergy Symptoms
Spring allergy season is coming. Get tips on how to boost your immune system naturally and lessen the side effects of seasonal allergies.
any of the many other things that can cause an injury. It’s what you do after an injury that determines how you heal.
Healing takes place in stages. First inflammation and swelling to fight off infection, then after the inflammation and swelling is gone real healing begins by replacing the damaged tissue and cells. There are 3 things you can do to help speed up your healing process.
After you’ve been injured you should not continue to the injured muscle or joint, take some time to rest and get the pressure off while your body begins the process of swelling and inflammation.
It’s a common misconception to use either heat or ice. When it comes to healing from an injury it can be detrimental to use heat as it causes more inflammation to the area. That extra inflammation, instead of assisting in the healing process, can cause more damage. Inflammation is beneficial in killing off any infection from virus or bacteria that may be in the affected area. It’s best to use ice to help reduce the inflammation so healing can begin after the inflammation has run its course.
Like any injury, there’s the after effect it has on the body. Not all injuries heal the same, in fact, some never fully heal at all. Taking time to see a chiropractor can help you heal faster and to your fullest potential. Long term, chiropractic can even help prevent future injuries.
We are always taking new patients. If you have a question about an injury or chiropractic in general, give us a call at 815-562-5333 or visit us at To learn more about injuries, watch the video from Dr. Bryan Wills here.
Spring allergy season is coming. Get tips on how to boost your immune system naturally and lessen the side effects of seasonal allergies.
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