Tips for Managing Spring Allergy Symptoms
Spring allergy season is coming. Get tips on how to boost your immune system naturally and lessen the side effects of seasonal allergies.
Chronic muscle spasms can be painful and disrupt your life. There are several known causes of chronic muscle spams and many ways chiropractic care can help provide relief. Here’s what you need to know about how muscle spasms and symptoms can be relieved with chiropractic.
There are several factors that can contribute to the development of muscle spasms including:
When you experience a muscle cramp, there is a sudden contraction of the muscle. It is involuntary and seems to refuse to release. You’ll notice the following symptoms:
A muscle spasm can occur in any muscle in the body but is most often experienced in the calf, thigh, foot, and back. Muscle spasms usually go away on their own after a brief period of time, but if you experience them frequently or they last for a long time, you should discuss this with the chiropractor at Wills Chiropractic.
When you receive regular chiropractic care, it can go a long way in preventing muscle tightness that can lead to spasms. Chiropractic care includes hands-on adjustments that help align the body and take pressure off soft tissues and nerves in the body, which reduces the nerve signals your brain may be receiving that cause involuntary muscle contractions.
Along with chiropractic adjustments, your chiropractor may suggest massage therapy to help relax the muscles, especially those prone to spasms. Mass can help reduce inflammation that often accompanies spams and cramps.
If you are experiencing regular muscle spasms, this isn’t something you have to just continue to deal with. Our experienced chiropractic professionals can help you find relief. To learn more, click here to contact us.
Spring allergy season is coming. Get tips on how to boost your immune system naturally and lessen the side effects of seasonal allergies.
Are you experiencing neck pain after a car accident? Learn how massage therapy and other treatment options can help relieve whiplash symptoms.