Avoiding Lower Back Pain After the Gym
Discover how performing certain stretches can help you avoid lower back pain after the gym and reduce soreness after your workouts.
There’s not much that says fall quite like taking the family out for pumpkin picking at a local patch. Whether you want a pumpkin for decorating, preparing meals, or both, knowing what to look for when you pick a pumpkin helps you get it right every time. And going pumpkin picking with the proper lifting technique in mind ensures that you’ll avoid back pain in the process.
First and foremost, pumpkin picking should be fun. If you head out to a pumpkin patch or farm near Rochelle, IL, see if you can’t make a day of it. Bring your family and invite along your friends, luring everyone with the promise of sunshine, fresh cider, and of course, the chance to pick out that perfect pumpkin.
If you do have young children along for the trip, make sure that you pack appropriately. Check the weather forecast before heading out to help ensure that everyone is dressed comfortably. Even if there isn’t rain in the forecast, bring along handy tools like an umbrella and raincoats just to be sure.
Once you’ve arrived at the pumpkin patch, you’ll most likely be struck by the sheer volume of pumpkins that are ripe for the taking. Ripeness is a key to finding the perfect pumpkin—you’ll know a pumpkin is right if it rings hollow when you knock on the sides. If you find soft spots or too many cuts, it may mean the pumpkin is already starting to decline.
Other clear signs of a ripe pumpkin are a rich orange hue and a stem that’s hard and dry. Also be mindful of the appearance and consider how you plan to use it. A somewhat lumpy or lopsided pumpkin may not be the best choice for carving, but it could still do the trick if you plan to use it for display or cook it.
When you pick out that perfect pumpkin, avoid lifting it by the stem. You’ll want to do this anyway because the stem is prickly, but lifting it without supporting the rest of the pumpkin can cause the stem to break. If a pumpkin is too heavy or too round, check and see if your patch has wagons or carts to get your haul safely to your vehicle.
When you pick up your pumpkin, no matter the weight, make sure you lift with your legs and without rounding your back. Mishandling even a smaller pumpkin can lead to unnecessary back pain that’ll put you out of commission for the rest of your day.
If you’re dealing with back pain, Wills Chiropractic is your pick for relief in Rochelle, IL. We’re here to help you make the most out of your fall and live a better life all year round. Schedule an appointment today and learn more about the benefits of chiropractic.
Discover how performing certain stretches can help you avoid lower back pain after the gym and reduce soreness after your workouts.
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