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The Importance of Stretching on a Road Trip

Are you gearing up for an epic summer road trip? As you map out your route and pack your essentials, don't forget to take care of your back. Long hours spent behind the wheel can be rough on your body, leading to stiffness and discomfort that can dampen the mood. By understanding the importance of stretching and knowing how to protect your back on the go, you can look forward to an awesome and pain-free road trip. 

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Handy Tips For A Safe Holiday Travel Season

If there’s one thing nobody really looks forward to during the holidays—apart from certain relatives’ unwanted dinner table rants—it’s traveling. But by following some helpful tips for safe holiday travel, you can look forward to less stressful driving for Thanksgiving and beyond.

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Why You Should Eat Breakfast On Thanksgiving

If you want to make the absolute most out of this year’s Thanksgiving spread, you might think that your best bet is to go in with an empty stomach and a whole lot of ambition. But it might surprise you to learn that eating breakfast on Thanksgiving is important for getting your fill without overstuffing yourself. Here’s why you should make it a point to eat a healthy breakfast on Turkey Day this year.

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Avoid Adrenal Fatigue Over The Holidays

Thanksgiving and the holiday season are right around the corner, and the last thing you need is to feel run down. If you’re under a lot of stress and feel tired more often than not, you may be dealing with the effects of adrenal fatigue. This condition can be caused by stress on your adrenal glands, and you can fight back by taking steps to support better adrenal health.

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Trick-or-treating Tips For Halloween Safety

Halloween night is coming fast, and that means it’s just about time to head out for a night of trick-or-treating with the kids. But before you kick off your trick-or-treating adventure, take some time to catch up on a few Halloween safety tips—and a recommendation or two that can help you prevent foot pain.

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How To Stay Healthy On A Road Trip

Who doesn’t love hitting the road with some friends and family over the summer? Taking a trip together can be fun, but it can also be a bit more stressful if you’re focusing on making better nutritional choices. How is it possible to stay healthy on a road trip with so many delicious options along the way? Packing healthy snacks, natural nutritional supplements, and the right tools can help make for a road trip free from regret.

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Family Camping Tips To Try This Summer

It’s a wonderful time of year to get out there, enjoy the fresh air, and get back to nature on a camping trip. But for as fun as it can be, taking the family out into the wilderness can come with challenges. Family camping trip tips like getting the right gear and visiting a pediatric chiropractor can ensure everyone knows how to sleep in the great outdoors.

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How To Get Through Spring Allergy Season

bet that nobody (apart from a few pharmaceutical companies) likes allergy season. If you’re affected by pollen, ragweed, or dander, the sneezes and sniffles may seem unavoidable. However, there are a few helpful remedies you can try to get through allergy season with less of a struggle—including considering the benefits of natural supplements, chiropractic, and acupuncture for allergies.

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Healthy New Year’s Eve Snacks To Try

This weekend, we all get a fresh start. When the ball drops at midnight, 2022 gives way to 2023, and you’ll no doubt spend that time in the company of people you love and admire. If your New Year’s resolution is to adapt better eating habits, why not start a bit early with some healthy New Year’s Eve snacks?

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Tips For Better Holiday Stress Management

There’s a lot to love about the holidays, but it can all take a lot of work. Whether you’ve got to prepare all the food, clean house, make the drive out to your parents’ house, or just be on and present for several hours around family, there’s no shortage of holiday stress to go around. But if you practice some steps for stress management, you can head into the holidays ready to be the life of the party.

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Remember To Stretch During Holiday Travel!

Seeing friends and family and catching up after spending time apart is one of the greatest joys of the holiday season. But one of the least exciting aspects of this time of year? Holiday travel. Long drives and the potential for heavy traffic are stressful enough, but neck pain and general achiness only make matters worse. If you remember to stretch before, during, and after holiday travel, you’ll have one less thing to worry about this year.

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Get Fit This Holiday With Personal Training

The holiday season can be a hectic time, and it’s easy to let your focus on health and fitness fall by the wayside. That’s why it’s especially helpful to have someone looking out for you and keeping you honest with your goals and progress. Now is a great time to sign up for personal training—it can help you get fit for the holidays, stay fit for the whole year, and develop better habits that have long-lasting benefits.

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How To Stay Active This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is as much an opportunity to spend quality time with the people you love as anything else. You may feel tired after eating a big meal, but you can make sure that you take advantage of your time by planning how to stay active and get everyone involved. These family games and activities can help you fend off the post-dinner doldrums and make the most of your time together.

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Tips For Halloween Costume Safety

Halloween is a magical time of year where kids (and kids at heart) can dress up as anything from a scary monster to a superhero. While it’s important to get the look just right before you head out for a night of collecting candy, it’s more important to make sure that you’re set up for safe trick-or-treating. Following some key Halloween costume safety tips can ensure that everyone has a night that’s scary in all the right ways—and free of foot pain.

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Why Pumpkin Seeds Make A Great Healthy Snack

Carving a jack-o’-lantern can be a messy business, but it pays off in the end. Not only do you come away with a cool decoration to put out on the porch—you also get the makings of a healthy snack. Pumpkin seeds are delicious and easy to prepare, and they’re loaded with nutrition that has real benefits.

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Tips For Perfect Pumpkin Picking

There’s not much that says fall quite like taking the family out for pumpkin picking at a local patch. Whether you want a pumpkin for decorating, preparing meals, or both, knowing what to look for when you pick a pumpkin helps you get it right every time. And going pumpkin picking with the proper lifting technique in mind ensures that you’ll avoid back pain in the process

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Summer Road Trip Tips From Your Chiropractor

For many, summer means vacation time. However, whether you're traveling to the beach, a national park, or even to visit a relative, healthy habits are often disrupted when you travel. So here are our road trip tips to help you maintain your habits and have a healthy summer.

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Find Back Pain Relief While Traveling

The summer is a great time for vacations and travel. People enjoy exploring and spending time with family and friends during this time. However, traveling can also have some negative consequences on your overall health. For example, avoiding back pain during long car rides can be challenging. Discover what causes muscle aches while you travel and how chiropractic can help.

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Holiday Digestion With Chiropractic

The holiday season can take a toll on your gastrointestinal health. Combined with holiday stress, rich foods that are high in sugar and fat can wreck your digestive system. However, there is no need to worry because chiropractic care can benefit your digestive system through the season.

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Thanksgiving Travel Tips

Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. For many of us, Thanksgiving travel is inevitable, but don't let your spine suffer. Try our travel tips paired with chiropractic adjustments to help.

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Celebrate Halloween In A Healthy Way

Many people no longer view Halloween as a once-a-year celebration. There are plenty of fall events, parties, and celebrations to look forward to throughout the season, even after October 31st has passed. Don't risk your health during spooky celebrations and fall festivities. Try substituting junk food with nutritious treats and take it a step further with these healthy tips.

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Get Adjusted Before Travelling

As we all begin booking rooms for our travel plans, it’s important to consider how your body will hold up during the transit. Since we’ve all been at home for a year and a half, it may come as a surprise to some of us that our bodies are suddenly not holding up very well in the small plane seats. Further, it might be the first time you’ve traveled ever, and in that case, it is more important than ever to come see us before your flight, because we can give you the best chance at comfort that is possible.

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Have You Been Adjusted For The Holidays?

The holiday season is in full swing and you may be feeling the Christmas spirit, but you may also be feeling some of the negative side effects of the holidays. Many people experience increased stress, general discomfort, and aches and pains during this time of year. That’s where Wills Chiropractic comes in! Here’s why you should get adjusted during the holiday.

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How Chiropractic Can Help Ease Holiday Digestion Issues

The holidays may be the most wonderful time of year, but they can also be a time for stomach aches and pains. Rich foods that are high in sugar and fat combined with holiday stress can be a recipe for disaster for your digestive system. Here’s how chiropractic can help.

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Tips To Avoid Holiday Back Strain And Pain

The holidays may look different this year, but it is still a time filled with festive cheer. The decorating, shopping, and time spent with loved ones all make this a special time, but all the hustle and bustle can also lead to pain. Pushing yourself beyond your normal limits can make it hard for your body to keep up. We commonly see patients in the winter experience flare-ups from old injuries or new ones appear. Here are our tips to help prevent back strain and pain this holiday season.

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Tips To Avoid Thanksgiving Back Pain

Thanksgiving is here and you are probably busy with holiday preparations. With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday, have you stopped to think about your back? If you end up laying down on the couch after your big dinner, you want it to be because someone offered to do the dishes, not because of your back pain. Here are our tips to help protect your joints and back this Thanksgiving.

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Why It’s Important To Visit The Chiropractor After Halloween

Once All Hallow’s Eve has come and gone, many people feel they can kick back and relax for awhile. After all, there are several weeks between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Despite that time between holidays, that doesn’t mean people haven’t already suffered some pain (and perhaps neglect) to their bodies that should be addressed. Simply relaxing doesn’t always do the trick and a trip to Wills Chiropractic may be able to help. Here are a few reasons why.

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Tricks For A Healthier Halloween

Halloween is almost here and that means carving pumpkins, scary movies, and lots of tricks and treats. While just about all of us love the delicious candy that comes with Halloween, we don’t necessarily love how it makes our bodies feel or the weight gain it may cause. As we get ready to head into the holiday season, managing a balanced lifestyle can be more challenging. Here are our tips to help you enjoy a healthy and happy Halloween.

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Holiday Travel Tips

The holidays are here and it is the most wonderful time of year — unless you’re traveling, of course! The holiday season is also one of the busiest travel seasons and it can be frustrating, overwhelming, and hard on your body. Here are our tips to make holiday travel easier.

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Chiropractic Care And A Healthy Holiday Season

Thanksgiving has come and gone and the holiday season is officially here! This time of year is filled with friends, family, fun, and celebration but it also sometimes comes with a few unwelcome guests – stress, sickness, and overeating. Here are our tips to help you have a healthy holiday season.

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Have A Healthy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is just a day away and it is a holiday focused on gratitude and lots of food! It can also mean added stress, overindulgence, and overeating. This Thanksgiving, the team at Wills Chiropractic wants all of our patients to be happy and healthy throughout the season. Here are our tips for a healthy Thanksgiving holiday!

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What Our Patients Say

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Rickey Tyner

“After several doctors with different diagnosis for the cause of my symptoms, I'm finally getting the relief that I've been searching for. I'm receiving excellent treatment and the staff is superb. What are you waiting for? Make the appointment. You won't regret it.”

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Babette Suter

“I would highly recommend going to Wills Chiropractic. The friendliness of the staff, is so refreshing. The way everything was explained to me helped put me at ease. Not only are they friendly but , the most important thing I found here was the integrity & honesty! For the first time in a very long time I now have hope where I never thought I would again.”

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Amy Moberg

“Wills Chiropractic has done wonders for my headaches! I went from having them almost daily to being able to go for months without one.”

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“Great staff that truly cares about your well being.”

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Alisha Kirk

“Dr Bryan and staff are great!”

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Sarah Mckinney

“Will’s Chiropractors treats us like family. They provide excellent care.”

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Lisa Zorn

“I was driving from Denver to Illinois. I needed some work done on my right hamstring and glute. I called the day before I arrived and the front desk lady was so polite and pleasant to talk to. She booked me the next day with Rebecca, the masseuse. Rebecca was knowledgeable and genuinely cared about working on the spot I needed done. She was simply amazing. I felt 100% better. Highly recommend!”

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Sandy Lightner

“I have much greater range of motion, must less pain and much less frequent. Everyone on the staff is friendly and supportive. I even got a congratulatory card signed by everyone when I accomplished my goal, qualifying for the New York marathon!”

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Frank Moore

“Always treated with care genuine concern.”

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Tricia Egyed

“The office environment is always welcoming and eager to help with our needs. We've had to be seen last minute for injuries never an issue getting in. I recommend Wills Chiropractic for many different needs.”

(815) 562-5333