Avoiding Lower Back Pain After the Gym
Discover how performing certain stretches can help you avoid lower back pain after the gym and reduce soreness after your workouts.
If you want to make the absolute most out of this year’s Thanksgiving spread, you might think that your best bet is to go in with an empty stomach and a whole lot of ambition. But it might surprise you to learn that eating breakfast on Thanksgiving is important for getting your fill without overstuffing yourself. Here’s why you should make it a point to eat a healthy breakfast on Turkey Day this year.
The saying goes that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that remains the case even when you plan on eating a whole lot of turkey and sides on Thanksgiving. Eating a nutritious breakfast is essential for kickstarting your metabolism and generating energy to get through the day—skipping breakfast on Thanksgiving could leave you feeling fatigued before your meal and more sluggish after the fact.
Skipping breakfast means you could be going into Thanksgiving without having eaten for nearly a full day, and that means you’ll be very hungry. If you eat breakfast on a regular basis, your cravings will be more pronounced, and you’ll be more likely to overeat because it will take your body longer to register that you are full.
Even if you want to go back for seconds of your aunt’s famous sweet potato casserole—and who wouldn’t, after all—you shouldn’t continue eating past the point of contentment. Eating a light breakfast is important for suppressing those cravings and helping your body signal its contentment to you more quickly, which can stop you from winding up in a spot where you feel like your belly is about to bust.
You don’t have to go too heavy with your Thanksgiving breakfast. Try something healthy like fruit, eggs, or oats, and match it with some juice, water, and a cup of tea or coffee. And, of course, you don’t have to go too heavy with your Thanksgiving meal, either. This holiday tends to create pressure to eat more than your fill, but don’t be afraid to say no to seconds and give yourself time to decide if you want more. Listen to your body and practice mindful eating—you can always take home leftovers in a to-go bag.
Thanksgiving and the holidays can be a stressful time of year for many reasons, especially if you’re trying to stick to better health habits. Wills Chiropractic has your back in Rochelle, IL—we offer services like personal training to keep you accountable and chiropractic care and massage to help you stay relaxed. If you want to show yourself some thanks this season, schedule an appointment online or give us a call at (815) 562-5333.
Discover how performing certain stretches can help you avoid lower back pain after the gym and reduce soreness after your workouts.
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